YA Weekend 2025

Join us June 28-July 1, 2025 

Young adults (ages 18-30 years old) are invited to UBarU for a weekend of camp fun including games, chants, swimming, hiking the labyrinth and more. You are invited to attend the Senior youth Camp Bridging ceremony on Saturday, June 28, 2025 at 10 a.m. and stay until noon on Tuesday, July 1, 2025.

Meals and lodging are included in the cost ($165 per person until June 2 and $195 after that) for a bunk. You can stay in a private room in the Brown Center for the bunk rate plus $60.

Bring your sleeping bag, pillow, hygiene items, personal items, swim suit, closed toe shoes, hat, sunscreen, water bottle and recollections of your camp experiences. Do not bring drugs, alcohol, weapons or pets. This will be a drug-free & alcohol-free event.

Additional program details will be emailed to registrants closer to the event. If you have suggestions for programming or other ideas, please email- director@ubaru.org